Step 3 of 5

Terror in Nicaragua

Fig. Contra Commandos from FDN and ARDE Frente Sur, Nueva Guinea area in 1987 - [wikimedia](

Fig. Contra Commandos from FDN and ARDE Frente Sur, Nueva Guinea area in 1987 - wikimedia

“Enough already so much blood
spills from so many
mothers we miss
our sons

This is the corpse of Pastor
Martines in his field
the 18th of July [19]80.”

By mid-decade, covert White House funding for counterrevolutionaries had fueled a conflict that would claim more than 30,000 lives. Seeking to destabilize the government, demoralize the Nicaraguan people, and weaken the nation’s economy, the Contras regularly attacked “soft targets” such as government-funded agricultural cooperatives, health stations, and schools.