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Ben Linder’s legacy

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  • Fig. Ben Linder mural painted by Mike Alewitz in Esteli, Nicaragua in 1989 - [wikimedia](
  • La+Comunidad.png

“Sisters thank you
for your kind attention”

This hand-embroidered tapestry was made shortly after Linder’s death in 1987. The identity of the artist is unknown; how the tapestry ended up in the Ben Linder archival collection is also a mystery. It is one illustration of the impact Ben Linder’s death had on the people and communities who knew him. This is also reflected in various murals painted in the years after his death. Linder often performed as a clown to entertain children, so a frequent depiction of him is in character as Hormiguito el Payaso (Ant the Clown) with a red nose and riding a unicycle. Casa Ben LinderSee casabenjaminlinder was established in Managua, Nicaragua shortly after Ben Linder’s death. The continuing work of this cultural centre is also testament to Linder’s enduring legacy.