Step 3 of 6

Painted out of history?

The United States’ involvement in the war inspired other nations to do the same, such as many Latin American countries. The Asian section of the painting would now become a combined Asian and Latin American section. Does that mean China’s contribution was recognized as significantly less?

From the Chinese perspective, removing the Chinese laborers could certainly be read that way. Especially when one considers how China was not seen as a ‘full’ ally in the military sense and was not taken seriously at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. On the other hand, The Chinese flag is still featured rather prominently between all the others. Yuan Shikai and Hu Weide are in the front of the section. This could suggest that, despite the alterations, China was still considered more important than some of the other allies featured in the group. Furthermore, the Chinese laborers’ contribution to the war effort was not completely forgotten: in front of the Chinese dignitaries, a laborer is seen kneeling on the floor.