
Shwedagon Pagoda

Located in the center of Myanmar's capital Yangon, the Shwedagon Pagoda is the religious center of the country. For the Burmese, however, the pagoda is also a place of exchange, of practicing pre-Buddhist traditions, and the scene of nation-defining events. Not only has the significance of the pagoda evolved, but time has left its mark on an area that has been shaped by numerous changes and influences. The pagoda's present appearance offers a unique view of Myanmar's history and culture.

A visit to the Shwedagon Pagoda does not follow a predetermined itinerary, but is highly individual. Believers visit this place both alone and in groups. Families can enjoy a picnic, group prayers are held, but it is also common to retreat and meditate alone. Some people are drawn to ancestor worship traditions such as the Planetary Stations or the Nats, but following only traditional Buddhist traditions is also possible. However, you can now experience the pagoda in your own way. Most visitors walk clockwise around the stupa, but whether you follow this approach is entirely up to you.


A story by Felicitas Diecke.