Step 6 of 8


Nats - [Core]([The nats of Myanmar](

Nats - [Core](The nats of Myanmar

The Nats are another element that deviates from traditional Buddhist practices. Nats are spirits that originate from people who have died an unnatural and sometimes traumatic death. They are believed to be deities of Indian origin, localized and later incorporated into the canon of the Shwedagon. A total number of 37 Nats was established by King Anawrahta in the 11th century to help organize them in a more manageable manner.

Thagyamin is their king, protector of Buddhism and considered by the Burmese as the Lord of Heaven. He is a localized variant of the Hindu deity Indra. Moreover, he is an exception in that he suffered no violent death like the other Nats in his pantheon. He is usually depicted in royal attire with a conch shell, as in this image. While this depiction is reminiscent of a fairly realistic representation of a human being, there are other, more stylistic forms of portrayal.

These Nats have different characteristics, as they had in life, and are therefore sought out for a variety of reasons, such as for the education of children or business. They grant wishes exchange for things like money, cigarettes or alcohol, they grant wishes. For a short time, their soul can also enter and take over a medium’s body during a ceremony. These mediums dress in costumes according to the Nat whose spirit they want to absorb.