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Frans Post

Related Images

  • Fig 1: Painting by Frans Post: View of Olinda, Brazil (1662) - Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam - [SK-A-742](
  • Fig 2: Painting by Frans Post: Landscape in Brazil with Sugar Plantation (1660), Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen [Wikimedia](
  • Fig 3: Painting by Pieter Nason of Johan Maurits with a black servant boy [Wikimedia](

This is a drawing of a sugar mill made by Frans Post (1612-1680) in Dutch Brazil in the seventeenth century. Post was a painter who travelled in the entourage of Johan Maurits van Nassau Siegen (1604-1679) to Brazil when the latter was the Governor General of this Dutch colony (1630-1654).

Together with painters and scientists in the entourage of Johan Maurits such as Georg Marcgraf and Willem Piso, Frans Post portrayed and documented what he saw in Latin America. Their work formed much of Europe’s understanding of the Atlantic World for more than a century. Today, paintings of Brazil by Frans Post can be found in museums all over the world. Have a look at the figures.

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