Brothels galore
The text in the Latin manual also shows the target audience of this condom. The latin phrase is “stupro cum prostibulis coëuntes.” In English, it means “When meeting and having sexual intercourse with prostitutes”. It suggests that this condom could be found in brothels and used mainly by the clients of prostitutes.
The difference in the target audience of this condom provides insight into the emergence and use of condoms during the Renaissance. In 1495, the first mass transmission of syphilis took place in Europe. It brought great disaster to Europe and there was no good way to treat it. In 1564, Italian anatomist Gabriello Fallopio wrote a treatise on syphilis. He described the first modern condom in this treatise. The condom he described could cover the glans and had a ribbon to fasten it. He proved that this condom could prevent a syphilis infection.
After the first Industrial Revolution, there was an increasing movement of people into the cities. At the same time, due to the rising cost of living, prostitution became the most common way for women to earn money. Brothels became prevalent, and venereal diseases such as syphilis spread more rapidly. Due to the fear of contracting venereal diseases, some clients chose to use condoms to prevent infection. As a result, condoms could be found and were perhaps sold in many brothels.