Step 8 of 8

Nickname of a neighborhood and its shared identity

You may be reading this story and saying to yourself: 'These theories may be interesting, but what am I supposed to do with them? Why should I care about stories like these?’ That, of course, is a logical question, and one I have asked myself as well. Especially these days, people question why we still tell each other these kinds of theories and stories. Aren’t they just urban legends that are most likely not true?

This is indeed the case. Many of these stories will be false; that's just how it works when there are multiple theories about the same thing. However, we should not forget that these types of stories connect communities and give them a shared identity. Although people today know that the Hakbijlenbuurt does not have poor, aggressive residents anymore, they still continue to use the nickname. Full of pride, many current residents still exclaim, ''I live in the Hakbijlenbuurt.'' The term appears to be a way for the neighborhood's residents to feel unified. In addition, in the last century, it was a confirmation for those who lived outside the neighborhood that their prejudices about the "aggressive neighborhood" were correct. People found recognition in this name, both inside and outside the Hakbijlenbuurt.

The multitude of theories about the nickname proves the great importance people can place on their community and neighborhood. Many residents have indicated they were not sure if their stories were historically accurate, but decided to ignore the inaccuracy, because the feeling the stories bring, the emotions they evoke, are much more important. And you see this not only in Leiden. All kinds of neighborhoods, groups and cities across the country give themselves names or get names from others and enjoy the sense of community they bring.

So will you ever hear a story like this again? An urban legend with a possible hint of credibility, but also a strong chance of being invented? Then listen carefully and enjoy the story - it probably comes from a lot of love for a neighborhood!