Step 6 of 8

Christmas tree hunting

Other theories, however, sound a lot more welcoming! Twice during my conversations with various residents, I was told about a tradition in the neighborhood to go hunting for Christmas trees during the holidays with a large group of local residents with axes in their hands. Sounds far-fetched? Well, not necessarily!

The Hakbijlenbuurt had several such Christmas traditions. In the 1981 Leiden Annual, an article by an ex-neighbor mentions that on New Year's Eve in the 1930s the tradition was to drag all the Christmas trees out of the houses after twelve o'clock, make a lot of noise, sing, celebrate and collectively set the trees on fire.C. Zwarts-Verbiest, ‘Een oud stukje Leiden van ongeveer zestig jaar geleden. Herinneringen aan de Transvaalbuurt’, Leids Jaarboekje 1981 (Leiden 1981) 149-156, there 151. So, a tradition of cutting down trees with axes does not sound so far-fetched. Possibly the Hakbijlenbuurt was not at all the aggressive neighborhood as portrayed in the earlier stories, and possibly the nickname actually refers to Christmas fun!