Step 1 of 6

From Shop to Home

Related Images

  • Fig. 1 - Advertisement for the Hoogeveen bakery – Local Newspaper _De Morspraat_, 1978.
  • Fig. 2 - Advertisements for shops on the Morsweg – Local Newspaper _De Morspraat_, 1981.

Take a close look at this window. You might not even notice it at first glance, but in the façade of this house is an old shopping window. The window reveals that this place used to be a shop. The Morsweg 32 used to be the Hoogeveen bakery. Almost every edition of De Morspraat, a local newspaper that neighborhood residents published in the ‘70s and ‘80s, contains an advertisement for this shop (fig. 1). The same goes for other businesses: the Van Schie pastry shop on Morsweg 73, the V.d. Loos grocer on Morsweg 25, and De Roode butchery on Morsweg 98. The shopping windows in the houses on the Morsweg are remnants of the busy shopping street that the Morsweg once was. Where did these shops go?

Click below to learn more about the earliest history of the Morsweg. Otherwise, go to the next step to read about the disappearance of the Morsweg shops…

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