Step 8 of 8

Then and Now

In this story, we look at life on the street. Who is walking by? And how is prostitution intertwined with everyday life on the sidewalk? At first glance, we see a photo with smiling ladies in front of a café. Now we know that they were prostitutes who were probably enjoying a moment of respite from the hubbub of the street.

On the one hand, prostitution was hidden in 19th century Amsterdam; we see the windows with curtains, no signs, and no red lights. Yet, for the passer-by, they were an everyday sight. This makes us think: have things changed that much these days? We still see prostitutes on the street, perhaps now scantily clad with red lights, but it's just as present as it was then and still, like this postcard, something that tourists and visitors of the city remember from their visit to Amsterdam.