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Johanna van der Meiden

Related Images

  • Description of Johanna, 1881
  • Verdict 1882 - [Noord-Hollands Archief](
  • Verdict 1885 - [Noord-Hollands archief](

This is Johanna van der Meiden. A woman 36 years of age from Vianen. Johanna was born in 1845 and moved to Amsterdam a few years later. Here she led a life of uncertainty. Her name can be found in many different places. She wandered from place to place: she stayed temporarily in boarding house De Zon, and for a year in a guest house for women.

In 1881 things went awry when she was arrested for theft. You can see her description here. She is registered as a "public woman", a euphemism for prostitute. Thus, we know her profession at the time of the crime. A picture of her has also been added, so the police know which lady the information pertains to. For us, this is an interesting opportunity to look her in the eye. Johanna was arrested twice more a few years after this, for begging and vagrancy. Because of her wandering existence and multiple arrests, we know today who she was and her way of life.