
  • Decorated Dagger

Jangdo are often referred to as eunjangdo, especially the ones that are used for decorative purposes. Eunjangdo means ‘silver jangdo’, as silver was frequently used in decorative knives. However, this is far from the only material used when making jangdo. Aside from other metals, like gold and bronze, materials like coral, ivory, agate, amber, jade, malachite, shark skin, goat horn, tortoiseshell, etc. can be used as well. Back in the day, decorated daggers made from these materials were mainly intended for upper-class families. Commoners’ jangdo were more often than not made out of different types of wood, like ebony, jujube, and persimmon.achillesbriseis, “The Joseon Fashion Show - Jewelry & Ornaments Special Edition Part 10 - Jangdo,” Feedingmyprocrastination (blog), June 16, 2013,. Even the cases the knives are carried in come in several varieties besides the classic cylinder. There are eultjado with S-shaped sheaths, samjangdo that have square sheaths, and mojebijangdo with cases that are octagonal shaped. When something is attached to the sheath, like the chopsticks on the jangdo taking center stage in this story, it is given the name of cheonjado.“Jangdo,” Namuwiki, accessed September 29, 2021,.