Step 3 of 4


When looking at the niàohú, the thing that stands out immediately is the cobalt blue design within the blue borders. Upon closer inspection we can see that the stylized plants are in fact bamboo shoots and lingzhi 灵芝. (Fig. 1, 2) A type of mushroom that is native in Asia and widely used in Chinese medicine. Both symbolize longevity in Chinese culture. These porcelains with a distinct blue and white color were called qīnghuā 青花.

We now know what this object is and have identified its decorations. Yet, much about this urinal is still unclear. For whom was this urinal intended? How did it end up in the museum's collection? Why did the curator purchase this item? It seems peculiar that so much is still unclear about a once widely-used object of which everyone in that era knew the purpose. It is as if after 100 years nobody will remember what a mobile phone is. But, does it matter? Do we need to know what this was once meant for in order to use it in our lives today?