Step 1 of 4

What can you be?

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  • Fig. 1. Cheese grater used as an earring holder - Turning the Clock Back - [Source](
  • Fig. 2. Toilet used as a planter - Instructables Outside - [Source](
  • Fig. 3. Tennis ball used as a massage ball - Sports Regal - [Source](

A handle and a spout. With a little creativity there are plenty of uses for an object like this one. Imagine that you see this in a thrift shop. What would you think this object was used for? I asked around, and surprisingly many thought that it was a watering can or at least something that was used to carry and to pour out liquid.

Regardless of what this object was made to do, our creativity enables us to use objects in ways that go beyond their original intentions: a tennis ball as our favorite massager, chopsticks to hold our hair in a bun, and a grater to hang our earrings. But, back to this object, what was it used for in the first place?