Step 6 of 6

Power in humility

Leone Leoni created in this medal an exciting image of an artist who was very popular in his time. On the obverse is a portrait of Michelangelo shown in profile - one of few depictions of this well-known artist. On the reverse of the medal Michelangelo appears as a blind old pilgrim, barefoot and dressed only in a coat led by a dog. A (self-) portrayal as a blind pilgrim who must trust in his fate is characterized by the Christian ideal of humility, a blind artist deprived of his most important instrument.

At the ripe old age of 85, Michelangelo was engaged as master builder at S. Pietro. In this position he was exposed to quite a few hostilities.

In addition, the artist suffered from physical ailments - he complains about them in numerous sonnets. TThoughts of the approaching death as a divine redemption also find expression in his poems. At the end of his life, Michelangelo was no longer dependent on showcasing his abilities; instead, he was able to (self-) represent himself as a modest and reverent man. The medal is thus quite ambiguous - it shows on one side the somewhat idealized portrait of a venerable artist who has reached a ripe old age and on the other side the image of a humble man who no longer even needs to point out his merits.