Step 4 of 7

Flip a medal!

The text (BRAMANTES ASDRYVALDINVS) on the medal is another reference to an ancient practice, with the name of the place where Bramante was born being latinized into DRYVALDINUS (Asdrualdo). The legend of the medal actually refers to the reverse type. Because it is depicted upside down, the legend can be read while simultaneously flipping the medal, which is an innovative feature. Although upside-down legends do appear on Roman coins, the way in which the obverse inscription and reverse type are linked together on this medal is a rare innovation that cannot even be found on many other medals from the Renaissance. The upside-down legend also invites the viewer to flip the medal and pay closer attention to the various details of the reverse. Imagine you are holding the medal in your hand, maybe feeling the deep relief of the obverse bust and then, after turning the medal to read the inscription, just follow the medal’s lead and flip it!