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- Denarius of Emperor Hadrian
Another good example of imperial titulature is the coin above from Hadrian’s predecessor and second cousin Trajan. Here we can clearly see the names and titles that Trajan has been given: IMP(erator) TRAIANO AVG(ustus) GER(manicus) DAC(ius) P(ontifex) M(aximus) TR(ibunicia) P(otestas) CO(n)s(ul) V P(ater) P(atriae).
Here we see the various honorary names an emperor could be honoured with: titles that were given to him after successful wars (Germanicus, Dacius), the mentioning of his role as high-priest (pontifex maximus), his power and might (imperator), and his role as tribune of the people (tribunicia potestas) combined with the other aforementioned titles.