Step 5 of 6


Fig. 4. Contact number NS in case of disturbance or unsafe situations - Source: author

Fig. 4. Contact number NS in case of disturbance or unsafe situations - Source: author

Sometimes, even if a woman does everything ‘correctly’, she will still be harassed. How ‘good’ your resting bitch face is, how high you build your physical and emotional walls, how many women are around, does not matter to some people. They want something from you, and most precautions are not nearly threatening enough to stop them. These precautions should not even be necessary, but our world is not yet that safe.

If all the aforementioned measures don’t work, a woman always has the emergency number of the NS. Since a couple of years ago, there is a sticker in almost every train compartment that displays a number that people can text when they experience disturbances or are in a threatening situation. Upon sending their location in the train, a conductor should come to help them and resolve the situation. In case of emergency, the sticker reminds the reader to call 112, the national emergency number.