Step 2 of 4

The Mirrors

Related Images

  • Fig. 1 - HiFi at night - [Facebook](
  • Fig. 2 -  HiFi logo at night

The famous “mirrors” in Club Hifi, a wall on the far side of the club that is fully covered in mirrors. The mirrors are known for being the club’s make-out spot. Making out, or ‘regelen’ (which literally translates to ‘arranging’ and means ‘to get some’), is an almost integral part of student life. For some students a night out is all about having fun, for others it is all about the ‘regelen’. But where is the line between flirting and pressuring? An overly crowded club with drunken students who are out to get some can easily bring about unwanted sexual behavior: hands on breasts or buttocks, kissing someone without any form of consent… Of course, it is nothing new. A sizeable part of Dutch students have had a negative sexual experience during their studies. Both unwanted sexual penetration and unconsented sexual behavior fall under negative sexual experiences. Half of all students know someone else who has had such an experience.I&O Research, Amnesty, Student Report on rape, June 2020.

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