Step 3 of 3

Lock and load

Fig 1. UN Women Orange the World [post](

Fig 1. UN Women Orange the World post

Unfortunately, violence is something women have to deal with in their lives. This can take the shape of verbal violence such as catcalling or online shaming, but it can also go as far as physical violence. In the Netherlands alone, every eight days one woman dies due to violence. Moreover, a whopping 73% of women have experienced sexual harassment.For more statistics on violence against women check Orange the World - Numbers and Facts While there are of course women who can defend themselves physically, oftentimes women are not as strong as their assailant. This causes women to think on their feet: what can I use?How to Use Common Household Objects in Defense In comes deodorant, an item you can often find in a woman’s handbag. Doesn’t it sort of resemble pepper spray in a way? While it obviously does not contain the same ingredients, deodorant can give off quite a nasty sensation when sprayed into the eyes. As mentioned on the canisters, deodorant should be washed out with plenty of water when it comes into contact with the eyes. This immobilizes the assailant and hopefully gives the woman in question enough time to call for help and/or run away. Have you ever looked at deodorant this way before?