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Benefits of Walking

Fig. 1. Poster with benefits of taking daily walks - [Pinterest](

Fig. 1. Poster with benefits of taking daily walks - Pinterest

Taking a walk in the neighborhood park is part of many people’s weekly, if not daily, routine. Walking helps clear the mind and is a break from the daily responsibilities. A walk in the park can be enjoyable in any season. During spring and summer, there are picnics to be had under the hot sun, and during autumn and winter, there’s the fresh air and sometimes the opportunity to build a snowman. The point is that parks are great places for conversations with friends, but also for walking alone and enjoying ourselves for a bit. It gives people the opportunity to reconnect with themselves, the people around them, and nature. It is a break from reality, you could say.

Walking can be very beneficial, not only physically but mentally as well. As people, we are exposed to many stressful situations throughout the day, and walking can actually help with coping and relaxing. According to a recent study, walking can have a positive influence on our moods. It can improve stress-related issues and decrease fatigue, confusion, tension, anxiety, and help cope with depression.Kelly, Paul, Marie Murphy, and Nanette Mutrie. "The health benefits of walking." Walking. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2017. So why wouldn’t we go outside and walk, if only for 15 minutes, breathe in the fresh cold air, and take a break from the hectic work life or from an upcoming deadline? But is it the same for all people out there? Can we all just wear our jackets and walk at any time of the day? If we actually zoom in and reconsider, we will realize that this is not the same for everyone, and specifically for women.