Fig. 1 - Artist‘s depiction of al-Uzza based on this stele - Thalia Took.
Although the text below the figure identifies it as a goddess, we don’t know which one the stele represents. A popular identification is the goddess Al-ʿUzzā, Arabic for ‘the Most Mighty’. Together with Allāt (probably ‘the Goddess’) and Manāt (‘Fate’), Al-ʿUzzā is mentioned in the Qur’anAl-Najm (53): 19–23. as a daughter of Allah falsely worshiped by pagan Arabs. Nabataean inscriptions and personal names with meanings like ‘Servant of Allāt’, ‘Servant of Al-ʿUzzā’, and ‘Servant of Manāt’ confirm that these goddesses were known in pre-Islamic Arabia.