Export design
Due to the huge demand for silk products, Chinese manufacturers increased their productivity to cater to European markets. Large meandering floral motifs placed on a central roundel, as seen on this chalice, are typical export-oriented motifs. The export design has a huge coverage with little work and is more effective visually during mass.[cf, p.26]
The chalice veil features a special kind of Cantonese embroidery technique with satin stitches and silk. The decoration shows a large meandering floral motif that resembles a lotus. Its design also imitates European imagery and uses more than one color for the petals of a single flower as European customers were fond of denser and symmetrical decorative patterns consisting of traditional Chinese imagery with auspicious meanings.
Compare our veil with a contemporary Italian veil in the image above. Despite a large meandering floral motif on this chalice veil, the design and floral details are European in style; they include roses, cornflowers, carnations, tulips, and violas applied with gilt thread. The embroidery work consists of satin stitches with couched work and French knots, a European decorative stitch type, using silver-gilt bobbin lace and pink silk.