
Fly Swatter

It was originally created by Robert R. Montgomery in 1900. His design inspired various upgrades to which we are accustomed today. Deciding that rolled up newspapers would no longer cut it, Montgomery filed an American patent for his “Fly-Killer” in 1899, and it was officially published the next year. His invention was only a simple version of the electric fly swatters that are currently available, but they wouldn’t have been possible without his invention.


  • Swat the Fly! The Fly Swatter and the Making of a Local Legend

    story by Cecilia Vicini Ronchetti.

    The common household plastic fly swatter has more to it than meets the eye. Through the evolution of the object and the makers behind it, this story will take you through the history of the fly swatter and a local heroine’s “hit job” on flies.

    Start this story