The all-time favorite
Every week, roughly 25 kilos of meat are used for babi pangang at our restaurant. Lean pork meat, which is first marinated and cooked, is then deep-fried. Afterwards, it is sliced into pieces, and finally covered in a sweet-and-sour tomato and ginger sauce on top of a mix of pickled carrots and white cabbage called acar.
Babi pangang is the most popular dish in our restaurant, and probably in all Chinese-Indonesian restaurants in the Netherlands. Everyday, our restaurant De Chinese Pagode sells a lot of babi pangang. Especially on the weekends there are a lot of orders, and there are many specific requests: with the signature red sauce, without it, with satay sauce, with or without atjar, etcetera; babi pangang is loved in many ways. About the signature sauce...