Step 5 of 5

The floor as an uncomfortable crutch

If waiting takes too long, I decide to sit on the floor. People give me strange looks, but I pretend this is normal (it is normal - for me). I look at everyone’s feet whilst the rest of my seminar group happily chat amongst each other. I need to be careful that nobody trips over me. These are the moments that I wish I didn’t have POTS. That I needn’t have to calculate what time I should arrive at a classroom. That I wasn’t so aware of what standing can do to a body. That I wouldn’t notice if a corridor didn’t have chairs, and that I saw a corridor just as a corridor. These are the moments that I wish I was like everyone else. No, I shouldn’t think that way. It’s not my fault that it’s not general knowledge that a chair is also a form of accessibility. It’s not my fault that a chairless hallway doesn’t feel empty to everyone.