Step 7 of 9

The White Horse of Rohan

Fig: “Flag of the Kingdom of Rohan” – [Wikimedia Commons](

Fig: “Flag of the Kingdom of Rohan” – Wikimedia Commons

When one thinks of horses in Tolkien’s work, the first image to come to mind is undoubtedly that of the Riders of Rohan. The Rohirrim are the Horse-lords of Middle-earth. They bear a strong connection to the Anglo-Saxons: their country is called “the Mark,” providing a link to the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of “Mercia.” Within the borders of this Anglo-Saxon kingdom, you can now find the cities of Birmingham and Oxford, which is where Tolkien lived, studied and workedShippey, Road p. 139.. The link between Rohan and Mercia is furthered by the presence of white horses. Where the area that was Mercia is home to the Uffington White Horse, Rohan’s white horse is present on its banner, which shows the “white horse on the green field” (Fig 1)Shippey, Road p. 140.. The image of the white horse seems very close to Tolkien’s heart: by using this imagery, he connects the Rohirrim, of whom he was very fond, to the chalk-figure of the Uffington Horse, which is only fifteen miles away from his studyShippey, Road p 140. and therefore surely an important aspect of what he regarded as his home.

Having such strong ties to the Anglo-Saxons, it is no surprise that several instances occur wherein horses are presented as gifts in The Lord of the Rings. For instance, when meeting Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli when they are pursuing Merry and Pippin, Éomer lends them two horses J.R.R. Tolkien. The Two Towers. HarperCollins, 2008, p. 570-71.. While the horses are only temporarily gifted in this moment, Éomer’s act echoes the symbolism found in the Anglo-Saxon custom of gift giving of horses in Beowulf, as he sets in motion an exchange of loyalty and gratitudeNeville, "Hrothgar's Horses," p. 131. with Aragorn. This exchange is completed after Aragorn is crowned, when Aragorn renews the gift of Cirion and Éomer takes the Oath of Eorl, both of which represent the friendship between Gondor and RohanTolkien, Return p. 1405.

As for the white horse on the green field, this image on the banner of Rohan plays an important part when Éomer takes up his role as king after Théoden’s death at the Pelennor Fields. Éomer plans to ride into battle, toward death, as he thinks Éowyn has died as well. He sees the Corsairs of Umbar approaching and believes that all is lost and that “no man should be left in the West to remember the last King of the Mark. So he rode to a green hillock and there set his banner, and the White Horse ran rippling in the wind”J.R.R. Tolkien. The Return of the King. HarperCollins, 2008, p. 1109.. Éomer then laughs in the face of death and despair, but the placing of his banner shows that there is still a need in him to be remembered as the king of Rohan. The placement of the banner on the hill will ensure that the Rohirrim will not pass into oblivion, but will endure, if only in memory.

The Uffington Horse’s qualities are clearly echoed in the placement of the banner: the banner with the white horse promotes a sense of shared identity by representing the people of Rohan, and due to Éomer’s intention for it to serve as a reminder of his people, the Uffington Horse’s function as a reminder of the past in the present is repeated. On top of that, the banner also parallels the Uffington Horse’s ability to keep watch over its surroundings, as it is placed on a hillock, high enough to oversee all around it.