
Ozonja for Himba make-up

The Namibian Himba women are widely known for their red skin color and striking hairstyle. They achieve this look by applying otjize to their whole bodies daily. There is a protective factor to it, but for the women, this make-up primarily has an important aesthetic role. They store this mixture in the little containers presented here. It is an object that represents the close connection Himba people have to cows, their most important and sacred animal.


  • The “Red Women” of Namibia

    story by Sophie Spickenbom.

    The Himba, semi-nomadic people living in the northwest of Namibia, are known for their “red women.” The red color comes from the mixture stored in this container. They apply it to their bodies and their hair every single day. Therefore, this mixture can help us to get a little insight into the Himba people’s lives.

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