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Le Tre Corone

Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarca

Dante, Boccaccio and Petrarca

Boccaccio stands in the company of 27 other Tuscan heroes. If he could turn his head, he would see Dante Alighieri to his right and Francesco Petrarca to his left. These three are known as the Le Tre Corone (The Three Crowns). These writers are considered very important for the use of Florentine, the base of Italian language.

At the Loggiato we encounter many statues of important Italian sculptors, poets, artists, political theorists and historians. They have been chosen to represent Italy and its heritage, considering their importance for Italian culture. It is of no surprise that Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio, as the Tre Corone, stand proudly together here.