Making music by looking at things differently
Buble wrap as wallpaper -
A lot of things are used differently than intended by their inventors. Bubble wrap was originally not meant as packing material, but as a type of wallpaper. Viagra was invented to prevent heart and vascular diseases. Listerine was first used to treat gonorrhea, and later sweaty feet. Leaves one to wonder where they got the idea to use it as mouthwash…
Nobody knows for sure how the first musical instruments were invented. But a lot of scholars agree that most of them were probably inspired by everyday utensils. The string of a bow can easily become a musical string, a pot upside down is basically a drum, and a washboard can be hung around the neck and will start to rattle when tickled.
Everything has music, if you just look at things differently. The manner in which things are presented in museums (sometimes by mistake, sometimes by a less obvious decision) can give us a chance to look at objects with a fresh pair of eyes and in unexpected ways. Blow in a glass bottle, make an elastic band say toink, shake a pack of dry rice. What can you think of? Be creative! You are part of an ancient tradition.
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