Letting one’s hair down
With some imagination, this ribbed globe is shaped like a head. Some scholars say it is designed for holding a wig, preserving its shape and preventing it from slipping off. Others, however, argue that they were merely for decoration, since wig stands are extant in different sizes, either much bigger or smaller than a human head. Such objects must have been owned by many 18th century Europeans: wig culture was an integral part of public life for elites in 18th century France.
There are many reasons why people wear wigs. Historically, due to the poor sanitary conditions, people were susceptible to head lice. Some shaved their heads and wore a wig to solve the problem. Because of the high cost of making wigs, the custom was originally confined to the upper classes and wealthy elites, and soon became a symbol of social status. As carriers of a fashion, wigs in France changed throughout the ages ...