Step 5 of 6


Mies with her parents (and Fried Egg)

Mies with her parents (and Fried Egg)

In the days and weeks that followed, Mies accumulated many new plushies. They were perfect presents for a girl that could do with a bit of extra care. And although Fried Egg was still her favorite one (the fact that this was a new one, was irrelevant), the red panda and the cute squirrel were also very welcome and loved by Mies. She gladly introduced them to us when we visited them for the first time in their temporary apartment; a fully furnished and decorated apartment that even had a garden.

Just like that, they found themselves in the apartment of a stranger. An apartment filled with items, none of which were theirs. A harsh reality. At least, that is my personal feeling. And, like me, a lot of people formed their own opinion on this family's fate. Some strangers started a crowdfunding campaign, others arrived at their door with all kinds of items, while still others reached the nonchalant conclusion that, now that they have a garden, they would probably never want to return to their own home.

A lot went through my mind. I imagined how hard it would be for me to have a house that is suddenly uninhabitable, but is nevertheless still there, and to still have access to most of my furniture and belongings, albeit smoked to the core. Though you should be thankful, and you are, it is just a lot to take in. And while everything is sinking in, you are still very much aware that your own belongings are only a ten-minute bike ride away. Insanity.

Smoke is damaging and penetrating to the extent that even the tiniest thing from a burned house, when moved to a clear environment, will fill a room with the smell of fire. Thus, as soon as I entered their temporary place, I started to smell smoke. In the corner of the living room were a few postcards that were salvaged from the house. I smelled them before I could even see them. There was more smoked stuff in the garden. Amongst other things, there were clothes. Anna had soaked them thoroughly and repeatedly in Biotex, after which most of the clothes remained greasy and smokey. Unwearable. But they felt that they should try anyway.

This seemed crazy to me. Surely, the insurance payout would be enough to buy everything anew? But that wasn't the point, was it? If they were my belongings that were just waiting there to be discarded by some kind of cleaning service that took ages to get the job done, then surely I would do exactly the same as Anna and Guido. I would return to my scorched black apartment and convince myself time and again that there is a lot worth saving. And for every item that I saved, I would stuff five random items from that temporary home into one of the closets that were not mine, out of sight.