Strong bond
This bond between the customer and the owner of the restaurant also serves as one of the most recognizable aspects of the Chin-Ind atmosphere. Since a trip to the local Chin-Ind restaurant is a regular happening for many Dutch people and since the owner of the restaurant is almost always present, the use of informalities and friendly greetings is not uncommon.
My mother, for instance, knows the names of almost all local customers.Every time they meet, they pick up the conversation from where they left off, thus strengthening the bond. She is the one who likes to chat with customers. My aunt, on the other hand, is the one who really excels at remembering the regular orders of customers. Once, for instance, I was taking an order and asked the customer what he wanted. The customer then asked me if I could get my aunt, because she knew specifically what he always ordered. The two of them serve as the face of the restaurant, and are an indispensable part of the Chin-Ind restaurant experience.