Step 14 of 16

A Missing Corner

Related Images

  • Pages from the manufacturing book by L. A. Driessen from 1907, BTMM0579, Textielmuseum collection
  • Pages from the manufacturing book by L. A. Driessen from 1907, BTMM0579, Textielmuseum collection.jpg

In every cloth there is a big chunk missing. The largest chunk is missing from this one. We know that companies such as the LKM used batiks for imitations, but also for research purposes. Colorists used the fabrics in experiments to find out what baths and ingredients were used for the color. Whether Louis or his assistants cut out a piece themselves, we will never know. Perhaps some pieces of these batiks ended up as samples in journals for experiments or coloring. Nonetheless, we can assume that the cloths were not only used to look at, but were also used in the laboratory. Maybe they were particularly eager to find out how the re-dyeing took place, and they took the largest piece for experimentation from this cloth.