Stap 23 van 23

Managing the collection

Ancient artifacts are fragile, and thus need to be preserved under special conditions. This is why the NINO objects are kept in a special temperature-regulated vault. However, because it is just a room in a library, not a fully-equipped museum, some challenges need to be solved in a creative and resourceful manner. What you see here, for example, are silica grains kept in a tied-together panty hose. This is a simple yet effective solution, which helps regulate the humidity in the vault, in order to best preserve the objects. Each drawer in the filing cabinet has its own little panty hose-bag.

Soon, however, the collection will move to the storage rooms of the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, where the conditions for preservation will be better. This is especially good for the more fragile objects in the collection, like those made of wood or cloth.

Although better for its conservation, the move of the collection will also be a shame. The objects from the Böhl collection are no masterpieces of antiquity, but its modest size and accessibility were very much part of the charm of the collection, which will be lost once it will be stored in the large, locked storage of the museum. But even so, it is time for a new chapter in the lives of these ancient artifacts.